Startup Looking For Expertise? 5 Benefits Of Using Office Hours

February 3, 2022
Headshot of Patrick Reynolds
Patrick Reynolds

Building something new often comes with more questions than answers.

Clarity and conviction on what product to build, for whom, and in what markets is the result of deep experience in an industry and high signal market research.

Office Hours helps companies find and access these crucial perspectives.

One of our customers, Heidi Yang, a product designer at YC-backed logistics startup, Qualli, used Office Hours to conduct user interviews.

Here's how she found value:

“Our target users are specialists with a demanding work schedule. Office Hours made it 100x easier to connect to those users, and the insights we've gained were extremely formative to our strategy”

Office Hours helps teams conduct impactful primary research, giving leaders a way to prove or disprove their assumptions, and uncover additional insight to help inform their paths forward.

Founders, product teams, and other key decision makers can leverage Office Hours to:

  1. Validate new opportunities: Whether it’s expansion into a new product, customer segment, or geography, Office Hours gives users the ability to find stakeholders who can provide valuable perspective to inform critical decisions.
  2. Capture objective market feedback: Search the Office Hours network for specific titles, companies, and geographies and build a target list of perspectives to get objective feedback.
  3. Refine product positioning. A stellar product doesn’t necessitate users. Making sure you communicate the right message to the right audience and through the right channels is an essential component. Book Office Hours with target buyers to make sure your messaging resonates.
  4. Extend the bounds of your network: Asking for an intro? No need to exhaust your social capital or spend time and energy on cold outbound. Booking an Office Hours is clear and direct.
  5. Save valuable time: Our startup customers have saved months, and in some cases, years of effort. Turn your speed to insights into an information advantage.

For more information, check out our blog "Finding your compass" and sign up for Office Hours today.

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Sign up to explore the network, or schedule a demo with a member of our team.